Systems are complex and nuanced. We understand, we listen, and we can help!


We use a public health model to create data-driven systems change

The Systems Mapping and Training Center, or SMTC, provides cross-systems mapping and training services. These mappings and trainings are collaborative processes that use a public health model to create data-driven systems change. The SMTC is operated by Policy Research Associates, Inc. We work with communities to bring together the right people to study a problem and make a plan to fix it.

We are improving outcomes and opportunities for diverse populations

Our mapping and training events aim to improve outcomes and opportunities for diverse populations. These include individuals with behavioral health needs, people experiencing homelessness, Veterans and their families, youth, and more. We tailor our services to meet the needs in your area.

We know what has worked for other jurisdictions across the country

We have over 35 years of experience, and we have worked with more than 400 communities throughout the United States. Our services helped them transform local systems to improve community well-being. We often focus on the behavioral health system, criminal legal systems, crisis response system, and homelessness systems.

We know what has worked for other jurisdictions across the country. Therefore, we can use our national expertise and critical listening skills to help move your group forward. Our goal is always to bring solutions to scale.

Let’s Make the Abstract Concrete.

Cross-systems mappings bring together a wide range of participants. We work with participants to develop a clear and actionable map of how individuals flow through local systems. This process allows working partners to create strategic plans for action. Moreover, it helps communities make decisions, allocate funding, and come to agreements based on data.

Trainings bring people together to work through a curriculum that is facilitated by our expert trainers. Trainings are developed using adult-learning best practices. Participants can either go on to train other trainers or to use their training to enhance their own work.

Our Core Services

Our mappings and trainings work to transform your system into one that is more comprehensive and fulfills the needs of individuals served. No system is too large or too small for our facilitators’ extensive experience. We’ve mapped and trained from frontier communities to America’s most populated cities and everything in between.

Sequential Intercept Model icon
Sequential Intercept Model Mapping Workshops

This mapping addresses community-based responses to the involvement, or risk of involvement, of people with behavioral health needs in the criminal legal system.

Homeless Response Systems Mapping
Homeless Response Systems Mapping

This mapping identifies community-based responses to homelessness through targeted steps at critical intersections.

Crisis Intercept Map SMVF
Crisis Intercept Mapping for SMVF

This mapping improves a community’s ability to support Veterans and service members who may be considering suicide.

Summit Strategic Planning Workshop
Summit Strategic Planning Workshop

This workshop helps regional and state-level decision-makers find resources, duplications, and gaps in their system on a broad level.

competence to stand trial mapping - systems mapping
Competence to Stand Trial Mappings

This mapping brings together decision-makers in the competence restoration system to design ways to decrease waitlists and shorten a person’s length of stay in a hospital or jail setting.

How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice Responses

This training helps criminal legal professionals increase their understanding of trauma, enhance their awareness of the impact of trauma on behavior, and develop trauma-informed responses.  

How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses Train the Trainer
How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses Train-the-Trainer

This training teaches experienced trainers how to deliver our How Being Trauma Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses curriculum.

How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Judicial Decision-Making

This training helps professionals who work in the court systems increase their understanding of trauma, enhance their awareness of the impact of trauma on behavior, and develop trauma-informed responses.

SIM Facilitator Training

This train-the-trainer event is designed to tap into and integrate local expertise and solutions by teaching participants how to deliver a Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) Mapping Workshop in their communities.